I've discovered a new technique for producing images that have a lot of atmosphere about them. This is not done in Photoshop. That said, this is digital capture so there is some minimal color and contrast correction, but nothing more than what I would do in the darkroom. Here is an example to get your mouth watering. I will be doing more of this so keep an eye out!!
Love the technique...
Why don't you tell us...
Does a magician reveal his secrets? But I will give a hint: There is something between my camera and the subject. It is not a filter.
is it a scratched up transparency?
or plastic or glass... what'd you use?
These are great ideas-all of them! It is a little more complicated than this, however. I will say this is not my original idea and I found some other variations on the internet that inspired this specific technique. I wonder, is it that impressive?
the effect ... interesting enough to want to know and then possibly revised ...
That's the thing. This is the first shot done this way. I have not yet refined the process. I would encourage you to try some tests for yourself. If you think outside the box, I am convinced that you will come up with something that suits you. Afterall, isn't art personal expression in both process and style? One other thing, why the anonymity in your comments?
did not mean to offend...
was more interested in talking about the technique than identity. I realy like the feeling of the technique. Was not trying to be competitive in process or style... just appreciative of your artistic visions is all...
I was in no way criticizing the photo or the technique, in fact I think they are perfect as is. It is the kind of photograph that I could look at for long periods of time and be completely captivated and enchanted.
I was not offended. Actually, I was just trying to provoke more thought.....maybe. This photo was made with a two cameras simultaneously. One digital as mentioned previously, and one much much older.
Did you use a mirror in this concoction? Whatever it is, it looks pretty damn cool. Good work. I'm sure Chick is proud of you.
Thanks for the props Romer. Do you guys surf the web all day down there or what? No, it's not a mirror. And yes, Chic thought that this pic of the Corral basement (!) was pretty cool.
It's a digital photo of the glass on your 4x5? Sweet.
Mr. Gust, you are the man. This is an amazing collection of images. When I grow up, I wanna be like you. Keep it up!
Close. Old 6.25"x8.5" view camera!! NMow the secret has been revealed!
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